Please send a copy of your personal history as soon as possible.
できるだけ早くお返事ください: Please answer to me ASAP [as soon as possible]. できるだけ早くこちらへ来てください。: Get over here as soon as you can. 私たちにできるだけ早く知らせてください: Please let us know as soon as possible. そういう重要なことはできるだけ早く知らせてください: Notify us of such an important thing as soon as possible. コーヒー。lで。ちょっと急いでるので、できるだけ早く作ってください!: Coffee. Large. I'm kind of in a hurry, so please make it quick! 何か間違えたら、できるだけ早く上司に報告してください: If you make a mistake, please tell your boss as soon as possible. 注文請書をお送りください: Please send me a confirmation of order. できるだけ早く: 1. as early as possible 2. as quickly as possible 3. as rapidly as possible 4. as soon as allowed 5. as soon as maybe 6. as soon as one can 7. as soon as possible〔略して ASAP(「エイエスエイピー」または「エイセァップ」)と言うこできるだけ早くお電話させます。: 1. I'll have him call you back as soon as he can. 2. I'll have him return your call as soon as possible. できるだけ早く(人)に契約書を送る: send someone the contract as soon as possible できるだけ早く~を回収し(人)へ送り返す: withdraw ~ and return it to someone at one's earliest convenience 注文書を切り取って当社にお送りください: Please cut and mail order form to us. できるだけ早くお返事を頂ければ幸いです: I would appreciate an answer asap. その後できるだけ早く: as soon thereafter as possible できるだけ早く出荷する: ship at the first available opportunity